Channel: Custom Program Error 0x0 When Running Test - Solana Stack Exchange
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Custom Program Error 0x0 When Running Test


I've looked around and I see this is a common error that devs run into based on the fact that an account was already initialized. I'm just wondering how to fix it so that I can run tests without running into this error. I'm testing on localnet and I've already tried deleting the test-ledger folder and running solana-test-validator -r but neither works. So here is my code. The first two tests pass, it's the third test where I think the gameAccountPDA is being used again that's causing the failure.


const provider = anchor.AnchorProvider.env();  const ownerWallet = provider.wallet as anchor.Wallet;  console.log('ownerWallet: ', ownerWallet.publicKey.toString())  anchor.setProvider(provider)  const systemProgram = SystemProgram.programId;  const program = anchor.workspace.Game as Program<Game>;    let [playerAccount,] = web3.PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync(        [ownerWallet.publicKey.toBuffer()],        program.programId    );    console.log( 'player account: ', playerAccount.toString())    let [counterAccount,] = web3.PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync(        [ownerWallet.publicKey.toBuffer()],        program.programId    );    console.log( 'counter account: ', counterAccount.toString())  // PDA's  let [gameAcctPDA,] = web3.PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync(      [Buffer.from( "game" ), ownerWallet.publicKey.toBuffer()],      program.programId  );  console.log('gameAcct: ', gameAcctPDA.toString())  let [wordVaultAcctPDA,] = web3.PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync(      [Buffer.from("word-vault"), ownerWallet.publicKey.toBuffer()],      program.programId  );  console.log('wordVaultAcct: ', wordVaultAcctPDA.toString())  let [moneyVaultAcctPDA,] = web3.PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync(      [Buffer.from("money-pot")],      program.programId  );  console.log('moneyVaultAcct: ', moneyVaultAcctPDA.toString())  beforeEach( async () => {    // await airdrop(owner.publicKey, provider);  } );  it( 'Game Is Created along with Word Vault and Game Pot.', async (): Promise<void> => {    const gameName = 'SayWord';    const minDeposit = 1;    let transaction = await program.methods.initializeCreateGame(gameName, minDeposit)        .accounts( {          game: gameAcctPDA,          wordVault: wordVaultAcctPDA,          moneyPotVault: moneyVaultAcctPDA,          owner: ownerWallet.publicKey,          systemProgram: systemProgram        } )        .signers([ownerWallet.payer])        .rpc();    console.log("Your transaction signature: ", transaction);    const gameData = await program.account.gameData.fetch( gameAcctPDA );    const wordVault = await program.account.wordVault.fetch( wordVaultAcctPDA );    const moneyPot = await program.account.gamePot.fetch( moneyVaultAcctPDA );    expect( gameData.name ).to.equal( gameName );    expect( gameData.minDeposit ).to.equal( minDeposit );    expect( gameData.owner.toString() ).to.deep.equal(ownerWallet.publicKey.toString());    expect( gameData.totalGamesWon ).to.equal( 0 );    expect( wordVault.secretWord ).to.be.empty;    expect( moneyPot.totalWinnings.toNumber() ).to.equal( 0 );  } );  it( 'Secret word is added to the word vault.', async (): Promise<void> => {    const secretWord = 'dog';    let transaction = await program.methods.addSecretWord( secretWord )        .accounts({          wordVault: wordVaultAcctPDA,          owner: ownerWallet.publicKey,          systemProgram: systemProgram        })        .signers([ ownerWallet.payer ])        .rpc()    console.log( "Your transaction signature: ", transaction );    const wordVault = await program.account.wordVault.fetch( wordVaultAcctPDA );    expect( wordVault.secretWord ).to.equal( secretWord );    expect( wordVault.secretWord ).to.not.be.empty;  });  it( 'Player account created to join the game', async (): Promise<void> => {      let transaction = await program.methods.initializeJoinGame()          .accounts({              player: playerAccount,              tokenCounter: counterAccount,              gameAccount: gameAcctPDA,              owner: ownerWallet.publicKey,              systemProgram: systemProgram          })          .signers([ ownerWallet.payer ])          .rpc()      console.log( "Your transaction signature: ", transaction );      const onChainPlayer = await program.account.player.fetch( playerAccount );      const counter = await program.account.counter.fetch( counterAccount );      expect( onChainPlayer.owner ).to.equal( ownerWallet.publicKey );      expect( onChainPlayer.gameAccount ).to.equal( gameAcctPDA );      expect( onChainPlayer.tokenCount ).to.equal(0 );      expect( onChainPlayer.gamesWon ).to.equal(0 );      expect( onChainPlayer.depositedAmount ).to.equal(0 );      expect( counter.count ).to.equal( 50 )  });

create_game.rs - Passes

#[derive(Accounts)]pub struct CreateGame<'info> {    #[account(    init,    payer = owner,    space = 8 + GameData::MAX_SIZE,    seeds = [b"game", owner.key().as_ref()],    bump    )]    pub game: Account<'info, GameData>,    #[account(    init_if_needed,    seeds = [b"word-vault", owner.key().as_ref()],    bump,    payer = owner,    space = 8 + WordVault::MAX_SIZE    )]    pub word_vault: Account<'info, WordVault>,    #[account(    init_if_needed,    payer = owner,    seeds = [b"money-pot"],    space = 8 + GamePot::MAX_SIZE,    bump,    )]    pub money_pot_vault: Account<'info, GamePot>,    #[account(mut)]    pub owner: Signer<'info>,    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,}pub fn handle_create_game(ctx: Context<CreateGame>, name: String, min_deposit: u8) -> Result<()> {    let game = &mut ctx.accounts.game;    let money_pot = &mut ctx.accounts.money_pot_vault;    game.name = name;    msg!("Game name: {}", game.name);    game.min_deposit = min_deposit;    msg!("Minimum deposit: {}", game.min_deposit);    game.owner = *ctx.accounts.owner.key;    msg!("Game owner: {}", game.owner);    game.total_games_won = 0;    msg!("Total Games Won: {}", game.total_games_won);    money_pot.total_winnings = 0;    msg!("Total Winnings: {}", money_pot.total_winnings);    Ok(())

join_game.rs - fails

#[derive(Accounts)]pub struct JoinGame<'info> {    #[account(    init_if_needed,    payer = owner,    seeds = [owner.key().as_ref()],    space = 8 + Player::MAX_SIZE,    bump    )]    pub player: Account<'info, Player>,    #[account(    init,    seeds = [owner.key().as_ref()],    payer = owner,    space = 8 + Counter::MAX_SIZE,    bump    )]    pub token_counter: Account<'info, Counter>,    #[account(mut)]    pub game_account: Account<'info, GameData>,    #[account(mut)]    pub owner: Signer<'info>,    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,}pub fn handle_join_game(ctx: Context<JoinGame>) -> Result<()> {    let player = &mut ctx.accounts.player;    let game = &mut ctx.accounts.game_account;    // Counter to track number of tokens purchased to use the GPT model    let counter = &mut ctx.accounts.token_counter;    game.total_players = game.total_players.checked_add(1).unwrap();    counter.owner = *ctx.accounts.owner.key;    counter.count = counter.count.checked_add(50).unwrap(); // Initially provides 50 free tokens.    msg!("Your Initial Token Counter Is Set To: {}", counter.count);    // Game account that the player is joining    player.game_account = *ctx.accounts.game_account.to_account_info().key;    msg!("Joined Game: {}", player.game_account);    player.games_won = 0;    msg!("Your Player Account: {}", player.games_won);    player.deposited_amount = 0;    msg!("Initial Deposit Amount: {}", player.deposited_amount);    player.token_count = 0;    msg!("Initial Chat Token Amount: {}", player.token_count);    Ok(())

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